2019-02-23 我初步的阅读的codemirror1的源码, 但是, 没有解决一个问题, 没有仔细看光标的处理, 当我对dom进行处理的时候, 怎么保持光标的正确呢?


  1. 拿到每键处理dom.
  2. 每键处理dom时如何保持光标的正确性.


  1. 直接看源代码
  2. chrome开调试跟踪代码
  3. git跟踪提交记录找到相应的提交


  1. 如何调试动态加载的js代码

    //# sourceURL=随便起的名字.js
  2. pause后逐步执行js时, chrome给我看的是这个:

        (window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && Object.keys(window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__._renderers).length) || window.React
    • 询问全知全能的stackoverflow, 然后发现是react devtools的影响. 卸载了, 依旧没用.

    • 重启chrome试试.

    • Stack Overflow有另一个解决办法, 在页面中加上这个:

      window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.inject = function () {}
      很遗憾, 这个方法并没有解决问题.
  3. 然后上面这个问题被我绕过去了, 在elements里面, 找到event listen, 选择blocking, 这样事件都会被跟踪.

  4. 跟踪的过程中发现select.js是关键, 作者在这里实现了光标的各种操作.

  5. 实际的dom操作在文件尾部的highlight方法中实际执行.

  6. select.js -> selectionrange方法 和 selectiontopnode方法中大量使用range操作光标.

    var range = window.getselection().getrangeat(0) //拿到range
    var node = start ? range.startContainer : range.endContainer; //拿到node, 就是正在处理的文本
    var offset = start ? range.startOffset : range.endOffset; //拿到光标偏移的量
  7. 关键代码

    1459 highlight
    1081 对highlight的调用
    832 keydown 事件的响应函数
    1169 highlightParens
    1216 highlightAtCursor 以及周围的调用
    1075 highlightAtCursor 函数
    1081 对于highlight的调用时最关键的调用, 同时它的上下文用select操作了光标.
    1579 highlight里面的foreach是核心处理代码.
    993 keyup是最佳断点位置.
    1637 处理了contianer, 就是外部包围的span.
    1655 移除了多余的内容.
    最终断点位置: 1637, 此时可以移除keyup的断点. 不过这个位置会错过1216周围的光标操作.
    521 selectionTopNode
  8. 需要注释掉的异常抛出, 这些异常如果不注释掉, 会严重影响调试, 除非设置为不跟踪的模式.

    1602 抛出异常需要注释掉, 不然会频繁打断调试.
    1608 抛出异常, 也需要注释掉. 不然也会打断调试.
    16 抛出异常
    最终结论: 这些异常抛出其实也是可以不注释掉的.
    是因为勾选了pause on excptions(在source面板的右边执行按钮下面)


// 1165行
// Take the token before the cursor. If it contains a character in
// '()[]{}', search for the matching paren/brace/bracket, and
// highlight them in green for a moment, or red if no proper match
// was found.
highlightParens: function(jump, fromKey) {
  var self = this, mark = this.options.markParen;
  if (typeof mark == "string") mark = [mark, mark];
  // give the relevant nodes a colour.
  function highlight(node, ok) {
    if (!node) return;
    if (!mark) {
      node.style.fontWeight = "bold";
      node.style.color = ok ? "#8F8" : "#F88";
    else if (mark.call) mark(node, ok);
    else node.className += " " + mark[ok ? 0 : 1];
  function unhighlight(node) {
    if (!node) return;
    if (mark && !mark.call)
      removeClass(removeClass(node, mark[0]), mark[1]);
    else if (self.options.unmarkParen)
    else {
      node.style.fontWeight = "";
      node.style.color = "";
  if (!fromKey && self.highlighted) {

  if (!window || !window.parent || !window.select) return;
  // Clear the event property.
  if (this.parenEvent) parent.clearTimeout(this.parenEvent);
  this.parenEvent = null;

  // Extract a 'paren' from a piece of text.
  function paren(node) {
    if (node.currentText) {
      var match = node.currentText.match(/^[\s\u00a0]*([\(\)\[\]{}])[\s\u00a0]*$/);
      return match && match[1];
  // Determine the direction a paren is facing.
  function forward(ch) {
    return /[\(\[\{]/.test(ch);

  // 这里开始是核心代码

  var ch, cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);

  //这一行处理了高亮, 就是span那种, 具体调用下面分析.
  if (!cursor || !this.highlightAtCursor()) return;

  cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
  if (!(cursor && ((ch = paren(cursor)) || (cursor = cursor.nextSibling) && (ch = paren(cursor)))))
  // We only look for tokens with the same className.
  var className = cursor.className, dir = forward(ch), match = matching[ch];

  // Since parts of the document might not have been properly
  // highlighted, and it is hard to know in advance which part we
  // have to scan, we just try, and when we find dirty nodes we
  // abort, parse them, and re-try.
  function tryFindMatch() {
    var stack = [], ch, ok = true;
    for (var runner = cursor; runner; runner = dir ? runner.nextSibling : runner.previousSibling) {
      if (runner.className == className && isSpan(runner) && (ch = paren(runner))) {
        if (forward(ch) == dir)
        else if (!stack.length)
          ok = false;
        else if (stack.pop() != matching[ch])
          ok = false;
        if (!stack.length) break;
      else if (runner.dirty || !isSpan(runner) && !isBR(runner)) {
        return {node: runner, status: "dirty"};
    return {node: runner, status: runner && ok};

  while (true) {
    var found = tryFindMatch();
    if (found.status == "dirty") {
      this.highlight(found.node, endOfLine(found.node));
      // Needed because in some corner cases a highlight does not
      // reach a node.
      found.node.dirty = false;
    else {
      highlight(cursor, found.status);
      highlight(found.node, found.status);
      if (fromKey)
        parent.setTimeout(function() {unhighlight(cursor); unhighlight(found.node);}, 500);
        self.highlighted = [cursor, found.node];
      if (jump && found.node)
        select.focusAfterNode(found.node.previousSibling, this.container);

// highlightAtCursor是个比较简单的函数
// Re-highlight the selected part of the document.
highlightAtCursor: function() {

  //这里是之前的处理select的覅方, 所有的光标都在select
  var pos = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
  var to = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, false);
  if (pos === false || to === false) return false;

  if (this.highlight(pos, endOfLine(to, this.container), true, 20) === false)
    return false;
  //这里继续处理select. 所有的光标都在select
  return true;
//1528 这个parts就是移除元素所在的位置
// parts is an interface to make it possible to 'delay' fetching
// the next DOM node until we are completely done with the one
// before it. This is necessary because often the next node is
// not yet available when we want to proceed past the current
// one.
var parts = {
  current: null,
  // Fetch current node.
  get: function(){
    if (!this.current)
      this.current = traversal.nodes.shift();
    return this.current;
  // Advance to the next part (do not fetch it yet).
  next: function(){
    this.current = null;
  // Remove the current part from the DOM tree, and move to the
  // next.
  remove: function(){ //这里是移除
    this.current = null;
  // Advance to the next part that is not empty, discarding empty
  // parts.
  getNonEmpty: function(){
    var part = this.get();
    // Allow empty nodes when they are alone on a line, needed
    // for the FF cursor bug workaround (see select.js,
    // insertNewlineAtCursor).
    while (part && isSpan(part) && part.currentText == "") {
      // Leave empty nodes that are alone on a line alone in
      // Opera, since that browsers doesn't deal well with
      // having 2 BRs in a row.
      if (window.opera && surroundedByBRs(part)) {
        part = this.get();
      else {
        var old = part;
        part = this.get();
        // Adjust selection information, if any. See select.js for details.
        select.snapshotMove(old.firstChild, part && (part.firstChild || part), 0);

    return part;

var lineDirty = false, prevLineDirty = true, lineNodes = 0;

//highlight 这个函数很复杂, 我们只拿核心出来分析
// This forEach loops over the tokens from the parsed stream, and
// at the same time uses the parts object to proceed through the
// corresponding DOM nodes.
forEach(parsed, function(token){
  var part = parts.getNonEmpty();

  if (token.value == "\n"){
    // The idea of the two streams actually staying synchronized
    // is such a long shot that we explicitly check.
    if (!isBR(part))
      throw "Parser out of sync. Expected BR.";

    if (part.dirty || !part.indentation) lineDirty = true;
    from = part;

    // Every <br> gets a copy of the parser state and a lexical
    // context assigned to it. The first is used to be able to
    // later resume parsing from this point, the second is used
    // for indentation.
    part.parserFromHere = parsed.copy();
    part.indentation = token.indentation || alwaysZero;
    part.dirty = false;

    // If the target argument wasn't an integer, go at least
    // until that node.
    if (endTime == null && part == target) {
    //fixm by m 为了调试注释这段, 替换为上面的大括号代码块. throw StopIteration;

    // A clean line with more than one node means we are done.
    // Throwing a StopIteration is the way to break out of a
    // MochiKit forEach loop.
    if ((endTime != null && time() >= endTime) || (!lineDirty && !prevLineDirty && lineNodes > 1 && !cleanLines)) {
    //fixm by m 为了调试注释这段, 替换为上面的大括号代码块. throw StopIteration;
    prevLineDirty = lineDirty; lineDirty = false; lineNodes = 0;
  else {
    if (!isSpan(part))
      throw "Parser out of sync. Expected SPAN.";
    if (part.dirty)
      lineDirty = true;

    // If the part matches the token, we can leave it alone.
    if (correctPart(token, part)){
      if (active && part.dirty) active(part, token, self);
      part.dirty = false;
    // Otherwise, we have to fix it.
    else {
      lineDirty = true;

      // Insert the correct part.
      var newPart = tokenPart(token);
      container.insertBefore(newPart, part);
      if (active) active(newPart, token, self);
      var tokensize = token.value.length;
      var offset = 0;
      // Eat up parts until the text for this token has been
      // removed, adjusting the stored selection info (see
      // select.js) in the process.
      while (tokensize > 0) {
        part = parts.get();
        var partsize = part.currentText.length;
        select.snapshotReplaceNode(part.firstChild, newPart.firstChild, tokensize, offset);
        if (partsize > tokensize){
          shortenPart(part, tokensize);
          tokensize = 0;
        else {
          tokensize -= partsize;
          offset += partsize;
          parts.remove(); //这里移除了原本的文本, 因为新的span格式好的插进去了.
        //tokenPart是一个比较简单的函数, 制造span, 其实不是.
        // Create a part corresponding to a given token.
        function tokenPart(token){
  var part = makePartSpan(token.value);     
  part.className = token.style;
  return part;
// Create a SPAN node with the expected properties for document part
// spans.
function makePartSpan(value) {
  var text = value;
  if (value.nodeType == 3) text = value.nodeValue;
  else value = document.createTextNode(text);

  var span = document.createElement("span");
  span.isPart = true;
  span.appendChild(value); //span里面放内容.
  span.currentText = text;
  return span;


//这个里面两套代码, 确实难受, 一套针对ie, 一套针对w3c, 在if里面做函数定义, 确实难受.

//219 是ie不需要看
//select.markSelection(); 有两个
// Store start and end nodes, and offsets within these, and refer
// back to the selection object from those nodes, so that this
// object can be updated when the nodes are replaced before the
// selection is restored.
select.markSelection = function () {
  var selection = window.getSelection();
  if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0)
    return (currentSelection = null);
  var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);

  currentSelection = {
    start: innerNode(range.startContainer, range.startOffset),
    end: innerNode(range.endContainer, range.endOffset),
    changed: false

//select.selectMarked(); 也有两个
//229 是ie不需要看

select.selectMarked = function() {
  if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.changed) return;

  function makeRange(point) {
    var range = document.body.createTextRange(),
        node = point.node;
    if (!node) {
    else if (node.nodeType == 3) {
      var offset = point.offset;
      while (node.previousSibling) {
        node = node.previousSibling;
        offset += (node.innerText || "").length;
      range.move("character", offset);
    else {
    return range;

  var start = makeRange(currentSelection.start), end = makeRange(currentSelection.end);
  start.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", end);

select.selectMarked = function () {
  var cs = currentSelection;
  // on webkit-based browsers, it is apparently possible that the
  // selection gets reset even when a node that is not one of the
  // endpoints get messed with. the most common situation where
  // this occurs is when a selection is deleted or overwitten. we
  // check for that here.
  function focusIssue() {
    if (cs.start.node == cs.end.node && cs.start.offset == cs.end.offset) {
      var selection = window.getSelection();
      if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0) return true;
      var range = selection.getRangeAt(0), point = innerNode(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
      return cs.start.node != point.node || cs.start.offset != point.offset;
  if (!cs || !(cs.changed || (webkit && focusIssue()))) return;
  var range = document.createRange();

  function setPoint(point, which) {
    if (point.node) {
      // Some magic to generalize the setting of the start and end
      // of a range.
      if (point.offset == 0)
        range["set" + which + "Before"](point.node);
        range["set" + which](point.node, point.offset);
    else {
      range.setStartAfter(document.body.lastChild || document.body);

  setPoint(cs.end, "End");
  setPoint(cs.start, "Start");

// 521 
//select.selectionTopNode 一个很大的函数
  • 格式化代码时延迟异步合并处理的.
    • 延迟是为了让他处理的时候, 内容是完整的. 因为, keydown时虽然我们拿到了code, 但是, 这个字还没有上到文本里面.
    • 合并是为了降低开销, 不影响用户输入.
  • 单独维护一个文本内容. 不论什么方案都要维护文本内容. 然后记录是否dirty, 以行为线索记录.
  • 格式化的总的顺序
    • 采集光标
    • 格式化一个span, 加入文本内容, 插入
    • 删除原本的文本内容
    • 更新光标
  • codemirror.js 676 lines
  • editor.js 1674 lines
  • highlight.js 70 lines
  • mirrorframe.js 83 lines
  • parsecss.js 163 lines
  • parsejavascript.js 361 lines
  • select.js 435 lines
  • stringstream.js 160 lines
  • Tokenize.js 58 lines
  • tokenizejavascript.js 175 lines
  • undo.js 414 lines
  • Unittests.js 44 Lines
  • Util.js 163 Lines